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b'|POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT HONORING Todays Modern Nurse6VIEW CRITICISM IN A POSITIVE LIGHTNo one likes having their work criticized, but its import-ant to handle criticism in the best way possible. Try to remain open-minded when you receive negative feedback and treat it as a learning experience. Ask yourself if theresHappyanything useful you can take away from this? For all you know, this could help you improve your work performance and leadNursesto better things.7ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR NEGATIVE THINKING/ACTIONSAPPRECIATION WEEKAND CHANGE THEMIf you want to change your negative thinking, first, you have to recognize when youre thinking negatively. Listen to yourself and to the way you respond to others. Also, pay attention to how others are reacting to what you say or how you handle a challenging situation. Knowing that you have a problem is the only way you can work on turning those negative thoughts and actions into positive ones.8KEEP A JOURNALWriting in a journal can help you keep track of negative thoughts and discover the reason behind these feelings. For example, you might notice that youre upset at certain times ofbarcouniforms.comthe day or only in certain places or only with certain people. Take a closer look at these factors and figure out what you can change and what you cant. For elements you have little to no control over, such as your heavy workload, you may want to talk to your bossEver wonder what makes a hospital specialor make a list of actions you can take.what truly sets it apart?We think we know. We see it in Skilled Nursing, whereSTART YOUR DAY ON A POSITIVE NOTE young hands meet the old. We see it in ER and soft hands 9 A bad morning can leave you in a funk all day long. Thatscomfort the rough. We see it in OB as capable hands touch why its important to start your day off the right way.the tiny - for the very first time. We see it in smiles, in tears, Maybe, you could eat breakfast with the family, sit down and enjoyin laughter and in pain. But most of all, we see it in the hands of those who work here - the welcoming, wonderful your favorite cup of coffee, read a chapter of a favorite novel, writehands of our Humboldt General Hospital family.a nice note to your kids or a coworker, or even meditate to clearIf youre looking to finally practice in a place where curing your mind before you head out the door. Try to do something thatand caring go hand in hand, look no further than Humboldt brings you some peace, comfort and joy. General Hospital. GET OUT AND SOCIALIZE Welcome home. and hurry. We could use a hand.Humboldt General Hospital is seeking the following full-10When were feeling down in the dumps, we tend to avoidtime positions:social contact. Unfortunately, this can make mattersMedical TechnologistParamedic even worse. If you find yourself moving down that path, slowlySurgical TechRegistered Nurses - Med/Surg/reenter society by planning a coffee date with a family memberICU, Surgery, LTC/Memory CareCertified or friend, calling a loved one every so often or making small talkNursing AssistantRespiratory Therapistwith coworkers. Even smiling at someone can help improve yourWe offer a competitive salary DOE; excellent benefits including mood and spreading positivity is often something that is passedPublic Employees Retirement System, group health insurance, on to others.accrued PTO and sick leave, and no state income tax. Discover No matter what the situation, remember to always believe in yourselfa great place to live and work, 74 miles from Oregon border and and your capabilities. With a little self-confidence and effort, you canthree hours from Lake Tahoe. Modern rural 52-bed facility in tackle any obstacle that presents itself and if you still feel that you needNorthern Nevada. EOEmore support, dont hesitate to reach out. Its likely that others in yourMail, fax, or email resume to:position have similar thoughts and feelings and both of you may benefitHR, Humboldt General Hospital118 E. Haskell St, Winnemucca NVfrom a little added support.n 89445Ph: 775-623-5222Fax: 775-623-5904www.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 9 Email: rose @ hghospital.org'