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b'SLEEP MANAGEMENT |14 Tips for a Good Nights SleepNo one understands the value of sleep more than healthcare professionals. By ADVANCE Staff ISTOCKY How you feel during those long worksame time every night and wake up at theyour email or tweet right before bed, and shifts often depends on your qualitysame time every morning. If possible, keepturn off all your devices at least an hour and quantity of sleep. this schedule on the weekends, even thoughbefore bedtime. The light from your e-reader, Sure, there is the miracle we call coffee andit may be tempting to stay up late or sleep in.smartphone or other electronic devices can an ever-growing supply of energy drinks, butYour body will adjust to this schedule anddisrupt your sleep patterns by decreasing caffeinated beverages can only do so much.should start to wake up naturally withoutyour levels of melatonin, a hormone that What you really need is a good nights sleep. Ifan alarm. helps induce sleepiness. It wont be easy to you find yourself constantly tossing and turn- disconnect from the world, but youre sure ing, try these 14 tips to sleep more soundly3 MANAGE STRESS, WHERE YOUto see a difference in your alertness the when and where you can. CANnext morning.Residual stress from the day, can 1 DEVELOP A BEDTIME ROUTINE cause sleep problems. If your mind is racing5 NAP WISELYIf you want to sleep better, allowbefore bed, take note of what seems to beWhile naps can be helpful, it some time to relax or wind downbothering you and try to put the thoughtsmight not be the greatest idea for before bed. Performing the same tasks beforeaside so that you can work through theminsomniacs. In fact, napping can make bed sends a signal to your brain that bedtimelater, even if that means literally writing itinsomnia even worse. If you must nap, try is approaching. You could soak in a hot bathdown. Do whatever you can to de-stress soto nap in the early afternoon and limit your or lay your clothes out for the next day, asyoure fully relaxed by bedtime. You couldnaps to 30 minutes or less. Also, avoid the long as youre setting a routine and repeatingvent to friends, read a favorite book, keep atemptation to nap after dinner, as it can it each night. journal, meditate or exercise. increase the likelihood that youll wake up in the middle of the night.2 STICK TO A SLEEP SCHEDULE4 POWER DOWN AN HOUR BEFOREKEEP A SLEEP JOURNAL(WHEN YOU CAN) BED If you adopt a regular sleepingGoing on Pinterest before bedtime6 If you have difficulty sleeping, it schedule, youll see a significant differencemay seem relaxing, but it could be affectingmay be beneficial to track your sleep in your energy levels. Try to go to bed at theyour sleep. Avoid the temptation to checkhabits and patterns with a sleep journal. 10 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'