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b'|SLEEP MANAGEMENTHere are some suggestions for what to include: can contain caffeine, but certain weight-loss pills, pain relievers, ice creams and candy bars have small amounts of caffeine as well. The times you went to sleep and woke up Take the time to read labels before you eat or drink anything close How long it took you to fall asleep to bedtime, and fill that coffee mug with some herbal tea instead. How long and well you sleptIf or when you woke up in the night and how long you were awake SLIP ON SOME SOCKSHow much alcohol or caffeine you consumed and when 12If youre having trouble sleeping, cold feet could be the What you ate and drank and when culprit. It may seem like a random suggestion, but warming How many naps you took, for how long and when up with a soft pair of could help you sleep soundly and improve Any medications you may have taken and when circulation.Thoughts that were bothering you before bedYou could jot down your responses in a notebook, create a chart toAVOID HEAVY FOODS CLOSE TO BEDTIMEfill in regularly or use an actual journal. This way, you can discover13Eating heavy foods or meals before bed can affect your sleep sleep issues and adjust accordingly. and add unnecessary calories. Steer clear of large portions, spicy snacks or greasy foods that could overload your digestive 7 BAN ANIMALS FROM THE BED system, and have a light snack of cheese and crackers instead.No matter how cute and cuddly your furry companions may be, allowing pets in your bed is a huge no-no. Tail waggingIF ALL ELSE FAILS, SEE A DOCTORor constant purring can disrupt your sleep, and the animal dander14If youve tried everything else and still have trouble sleeping, can lead to allergic reactions. So, ignore those puppy dog eyes asit may be time to see a professional. A doctor can check best you can and have Max sleep on his dog bed instead. If yourfor any health conditionssuch as asthma, depression, acid reflux pets have trouble adjusting, ask your vet for helpful suggestions. or a sleep disorder that may be affecting your sleep.8KEEP YOUR BEDROOM DARK The next time youre struggling with sleep issues, review these tips The darker your room is, the better youll sleep. Hangand try to get some much-needed shut-eye! nheavy curtains or shades over your windows to block out any outside light natural or otherwise. Even the glow from the#springstepprofessionaldigital alarm clock or the cable box can disrupt your shut-eye, so#springstepprofessionalcover up the lights with a towel, turn them the other way or use a sleeping mask.9 SLEEP IN A COMFORTABLE POSITION This may seem like a no-brainer, but its often overlooked. Try to keep your head and neck as straight as possible when sleeping, and make sure you have a suitable pillow. If you suffer from back pain, place a pillow between your legs to align your hips better or look into a more supportive mattress.GO EASY ON THE ALCOHOL BEFORE BED10While that nightcap can have you feeling sleepy at first, we would advise against drinking alcohol before bed. Even a couple of drinks can disturb the sleeping process. When you drinkNurses, we appreciate your hardwork.alcohol right before bed, you may skip the first stage of sleep - rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. On a normal night, you have six or seven cycles of REM sleep. After drinking, you may only have one or two, leaving you exhausted in the morning. So, forget that glassENJOY EXTRA SAVINGS of wine an hour before bed and replace it with some warm milk.GET YOUR CAFFEINE FIX EARLIER20%OFF11Believe it or not, caffeine can stay in your system for hoursall regular-priced items onlyafter ingesting it. Thats why its best to cut off your caf- 20%WECAREfeine intake in the early afternoon. Be on the lookout for hiddenUse Discount Code:sources of caffeine. Sure, we know that coffee, tea, and soft drinksExpires: October 31, 2019 /springstepshoeswww.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 11'