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b'SPECIALTIES|Focus onInfusion TherapyProviding patients with options for comfort under difficult circumstances By Rob SeniorISTOCKI nfusion therapy is broadly defined assion therapy created a need for healthcareerwise disconcerting. If nothing else, experts the administration of medication and/orprofessionals to increase their flexibility infigured patients would be seated comfortably nutrition directly into the veins via nee- administering treatment. Doctors or nursesduring their treatment session.dle or catheter. Generally speaking, its anaccustomed to going from room to roomWe are supporting patients during some approach that is prescribed when a patientswere now working in dedicated facilities thatof their most vulnerable times, said Lauri condition is such that oral medications will notfocused solely on the experience of an infu- Waidner, marketing manager for Champion treat symptoms sufficiently.sion therapy or more specifically chemother- Manufacturing, headquartered in Elkhart, IN. While infusion therapy has numerous usesapy patient.Sometimes thats during a dialysis procedure, that range from sedation and anesthesia toIt wasnt long before the focus turned towhich can take anywhere from two to eight treatment of infectious diseases, most mod- the patients comfort and ability to feel safe inhours. When it matters most to the patients, ern-day conversations on the topic focus onwhat could otherwise be an intimidating orwere there to make them feel comfortable and administration of chemotherapy to treat var- even threatening environment. Creating com- empowered.ious forms of cancer in patients. The mainforting, soothing atmospheres to provide theWhen Champion was founded in 1992, advantage to infusion therapy is the ability toleast imposing experience possible became thetheir very first customer asked for a chair deliver medicine directly and precisely. focus of most caretakers. sturdy and long lasting, yet maneuverable Patients receiving infusion therapy on a reg- At first, this meant simple amenities likeenough for caregivers to move around a room. ular or semi-regular basis benefit greatly fromavailabilityof magazines, crossword puz- A chair comfortable enough for a nights sleep recent advances in healthcare and technology.zles or even video cassette recorders and laterwas also among the requests. It wasnt until the past 30 years or so that treat- DVD players to provide a distraction of sorts toThe company delivered its first prod-ments like chemotherapy were seen as primar- patients. But as time went on and a more holis- uct, a medical sleeper chair. Since that day, ily outpatient occurrences. But a combinationtic approach and viewpoint evolved, the ame- Champion has been dedicated to designing of advances in drug administration and annities expanded to include soothing music andpatient seating options for various healthcare increased emphasis on cost control simulta- pleasing views or patterns within the room inenvironments. neously created an ability and a desire to pro- question. Depending on the specific location,We are 100% focused on healthcare seat-vide treatment in non-hospital settings. Today,patients received treatment in either a com- ing, said Waidner.This singular vision patients routinely report to a doctors officemon, semi-public room or in a private area.quickly made us a market leader and con-or other healthcare setting for chemotherapy.At this point, the emphasis turned to com- tinues to inspire us to do one thing and do it Some are fortunate enough to receive care infortable seating for patients throughout treat- rightmake quality seating for the healthcare the comfort of their own homes. ments that, while not necessarily particularlyenvironment.The advent of outpatient and in-home infu- long in duration, could be stressful and oth- Providing seating solutions that meet every-12 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'