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b'|SPIRITUALITYTHE SPIRITUALITY IN NATURE synapsesofthesoul2018/11/your-brain-on-prayer/The American Occupational Therapy Association expands the defini- Koenig, Harold G. (12/16/2012).Religion, Spirituality, and Health: tion of spirituality to include the way clients experience connectednessThe Research and Clinical Implications.In https://www.nim.nih.to the moment, to self, to others, and to nature. gov/pmc/articles/PMC3671693/ISRN Psychiatry.Published online As a mental health therapist, this writer had a treatment experi- 2012 Dec 16.ence with a severely psychotic mental health patient that illustratesAMA Journal of Ethics.(July, 2018).Illuminating the Art the significance of nature as an element in spirituality. The selectionof Medicine.In https: //journalofethics.ama-assn.org/issue/of therapeutic activities to increase focus and cognitive abilities inreligion-and-spirituality-health-care-practice:a patient with constant auditory hallucinations (voices) can beChristensen, April R. MD, Cook, Tara E. MD, & Arnold, Ronald M. frustrating for both patient and therapist. Observing this daily chal- MD.How Should Clinicians Respond to Requests From Patients to lenge, this therapist/writer asked unit staff for permission to walk,Participate in Prayer?individually with this patient, off the mental health unit and ontoZaidi, Danish, MTS, MBE.Influences of Religion and Spirituality in hospital grounds. Medicine.The hospital grounds on this select, beautiful spring day were aSajja, Aparna, MD & Puchalski, Christina, MD.Training Physicians delight of nature. Lush grass, the chirp of birds, a bright sun, glowingas Healers.through numerous trees; white, fluffy clouds; and a pond that housedWaite, Andrew.OT Practice. (August 25, 2014).How Spirituality is large, golden fish. Spinning above the fish, was a dragonfly with lumi- a Part of Occupational Therapy Practice: Have Faith.Pgs. 1316. nous, translucent wings. A warm breeze seemed to enhance the motionAmerican Occupational Therapy Association, Maryland.of the dragonfly. Breutzmann, Cathryn.2014 presentation at AOTA Conference We sat on a bench next to the pond and observed the peaceful, goldenand Expo, Baltimore, Maryland.In OT Practice.(August 25, 2014). fish. We quietly rested.How Spirituality is a Part of Occupational Therapy Practice: Have A short period later, my patient seemed more alert. A few minutesFaith.Pgs. 1415.American Occupational Therapy Association, later, she smiled. Her smile seemed wider, as she expressed, My voicesMaryland.are gone.Think of the spirituality in nature: the quiet, serene, seemingly heal-ing components. And, consider the originor the very creationof nature.nKate Noonan has a degree in Social Ecology and a Masters in Occupational Therapy with a specialization in mental health. Her current focus is medi-cal writing in mental health-related subjects.REFERENCESMilone, Kathy. (March, 2019).Interview, with this writers appreci-ation to Chaplain Milone, associated with Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, Illinois.Barger, Theresa S. (Cure. Cancer Updates, Research & Education, Bonus Issue, 2018).Keeping the Faith.People with cancer who sub-scribe to a strong spiritual belief system report a better ability to cope. Pgs. 2429.Volume 17, Number 5.MJH Associates, N.J.NBC News.com. (12/23/2014).Power of Prayer:What Happens to Your Brain When You Pray?In https://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/power-prayer-what-happens-your-brain-when-you-pray.n273956Jokhai, Rayyan.(4/13/2017).Johns Hopkins Newsletter. Spiritual Retreats Alter Dopamine, Serotonin Levels. In https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2017/04/spiritual-retreats-alter-dopamine-serotonin-levels.Colbert, Dr. Don.(5/18/2017).The Stunning Science Behind the Healing Power of Prayer.In https: //www.openheaven.com/2017/05/18/stunning-science-behind-healing-power-prayer/Carozza, Sofia.(11/11/2018).Synapses of the Soul.Your Brain on Prayer.In https://www.pantheos.com/blogs/www.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 19'