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b'|COVER STORYManaging Stress in the WorkplaceStress-management tips to maintain health and maximize job performance By Kirsten MalenkeW hether youre dealing with life-and- GET ORGANIZED. CREATE A NETWORK OF SUPPORT. death situations on a daily basis,Sometimes, something as simple as a messyYou need other people. Confide in your fam-are overloaded with patients, oroffice space or facility can cause stress.ily members, friends, or trusted colleagues are feeling worn out from long hours, learningMaintain a sense of control and focus byto talk about your stressors and get support. how to properly manage stress is vital to yourmaking sure your work space is clean andIt might also be helpful to establish a men-healthcare career. Chronic stress can take aorganized. Use a calendar system to scheduletor who can guide you through stressful toll on both your mental and physical health,upcoming events you may have and jot downsituations in the workplace.contributing to possible burnout. Thougha to-do list if you find yourself constantly some level of stress is likely unavoidable in anydwelling on your responsibilities. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY.position, ADVANCE has put together a list ofThe healthier you are, the better you will helpful stress-managing strategies to protectESTABLISH WORK-LIFE BOUNDARIES. manage workplace stress. Take care of your your health and maximize your job perfor- Set work-life boundaries for yourself, such asbody by getting enough sleep, eating health-mance. After all, if youre not taking care ofnot checking your email right before bed orful foods and exercising regularly.yourself, how will you care for others?answering the phone after a set time. This may not be possible for positions requiringMAINTAIN A POSITIVE FOCUS.BE MINDFUL OF YOUR PARTICULARon-call availability, but when possible, takeSometimes much of the stress we face is STRESSORS AND RESPONSES. time to unplug from electronic devices andself-imposed. Remember that nobody is Keep a journal for a week or two to identifyengage in an activity that you enjoy. perfect. Have realistic expectations there the activities or situations that cause youis only so much you can do in one day. If you stress and the ways you respond to them.TAKE A BREAK TO RECHARGE. make a mistake, see it as an opportunity to Gary Brown, PhD, LMFT, FAPA, a licensedIf allowed the opportunity, take time inimprove. Dont forget the value of humor! It psychotherapist in Los Angeles who spe- your day to step away from work. Eat lunchmight also help to keep a journal of positive cializes in stress management for medicalaway from your workplace, make a phonethings that happened during your day to centers in Southern California, mentionscall to a friend, or go outside for a walk.maintain an optimistic perspective.some particular signs and symptoms ofYoga, stretching, and deep-breathing are stress. These include fatigue, irritability,also often recommended to combat stress. KNOW THAT YOURE NOT ALONE.persistent intrusive images, sadness, callingLastly, as Brown reminds, Dont stigmatize in sick when youre not, feeling demoralizedCOMMUNICATE.yourself by labeling yourself as crazy. You are or alone, disturbed sleep, self-numbingYour employer and managers care aboutsimply a normal person, having normal but with abuse of alcohol and prescriptionyour well-being. If you are experiencing over- unpleasant reactions to the impact of one or or non-prescription drugs, street drugs,whelming stress, talk with your supervisormore stressors in your life. This is particularly impaired short-term memory; and with- to develop a plan to manage your stressors.true for healthcare providers who routinely drawal from family, friends, and colleagues.This might include clarifying expectations,deal with life-and-death situations.nKeeping a record of your stressors andincorporating more colleague support, or responses will help you identify what helpsidentifying employer-sponsored resourcesKirsten Malenke is a former staff writer at to manage them. that you can utilize. ADVANCEwww.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 5'