b'|SPECIALTIESones needs can be challenging. Obviously,givers at critical moments in therapy. activate a recline feature.the first obligation is to the patient and offer- Ability to heat and recline. In keep- When patients are receiving treatment, ing a comfortable option during, as Waidnering with the theme of maximum comfortthey want to be empowered as much as pos-alluded, a very vulnerable, challenging time.for patients, seats often come heated andsible, continued Waidner. Its not as if they However, other considerations are present.with reclining capabilities ranging from acan get up and walk around during treatment. Some may seem more pertinent to qualityslight tilt to infinite recline for maximizedThey need to remain seated, remain comfort-delivery of care than others, but theyre allrelaxation. able. We take pride in making that possible.worth taking into consideration when choos- Wall-hugger design. When the chair is notAs infusion therapy continues to evolve, so ing a product.in use, its beneficial either in the home orwill seating options and features. Obviously, Ability to transfer. Patients with limitedin a clinical setting to be able to contractcompanies like Champion and representa-mobility may need to be assisted or placedthe chair to allow for maximum use oftives like Lauri Waidner wont share their next into the chair, and equally helped out offloor space. Specific to a clinical setting, themoves, but she was willing to discuss where the chair at the completion of the therapy.wall-hugger design allows for a reduction inthe ideas originate.Retractable, removable, or swing-awayspace between a chair and wall to open upWhen youre able to focus in healthcare, chair arms can simplify this consideration,room for additional seating. able to listen to feedback from caregivers and while also making it easier to clean the chairpatients on what they want, what they wish between uses. Patients at different stages in treatment maytheir chairs offered you get a sense for the Trendelenburg position. Named for ahave differing abilities and levels of tolerancedirection you want to go. Thats why weve German surgeon who first utilized thefor physical activity. Features like powerbeen able to stay in business so long focusing alignment, Trendelenburg refers to arecline allow for the ability to maneuveron just one area. nsupine, or flat on the back, position wherethe chairs position to ones likingsome-the body lies at a slight incline, with eitherthing many people take for granted, but aRob has 15 years of experience writing and the feet elevated above the head or vicetrue luxury for those in a weakened state,editing for healthcare. He previously worked for versa. The ability to bring the chair to as lowor with sensitive skin who dont want toADVANCE from 2002 to 2012.as a 12-degree position is invaluable to care- have to push or lean hard into a surface to www.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 13'