b'|SPIRITUALITYTHE SCIENCE CONNECTION: SPIRITUALITY it helps to understand the result of powerful, A physician at a Philadelphia hospital sayspositive emotional experiences. prayer is not a cure for cancer, but can be asColbert (Open Heaven, 2017) has also effective as science in helping patients healindicated that the act of prayer has shown (NBCNews.com, 2014). an influence on the neurotransmitter dopa- The original Physical Agent Modalities Dr. Andrew Newberg, of Thomas Jeffersonmine. Dopamine promotes a state of relax- Course worth 45 contact hours. Graduates Hospital, has been studying the effect of prayeration, focus, motivation, and well-beingandearn the CPAM designation. Includes an on the human brain for more than 20 years.effects are not just momentary. With the abil- online course, a 2-day hands-on workshop, He has injected radioactive dye into subjectsity to scan the brain using magnetic resonance and has watched what changes when they pray.imaging (MRI), researchers have been able toand forms for supervised clinical hours.Because of observed computer brain changes,note the physiological changes that occur in989-964-4048continuing-ed@svsu.eduNewberg indicates a possible healing effectthe brains of those who pray regularly. www.pampca.orgfrom increases in brain activity levels and inAuthor Carozza (Synapses of the Soul, neurotransmitters.2018), has written that prayer has been linkedUpcoming workshops:In Dr. Newbergs role as director of researchto psychological and biological changes. Prayer Pocatello, ID .May 25 & 26, 2019in the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health,reduces blood pressure, heart rate, and has he studied 14 Christian participants, agespositive changes on the hormone melatonin. Bloomington, MN June 8 & 9, 20192476 years, following a seven-day spiritualThe immune system gets a boostdisease Franklin, TN .June 22 & 23, 2019retreat (Jokhai, The Johns Hopkins Newsletter,states are improved. Pain and anxiety states 2017). Newberg commented on specific pos- are blunted.Billings, MT July 13 & 14, 2019itive changes in dopamine and serotonin.Koenig (ISRN Psychiatry, 2012) has indi- We are anBecause dopamine and serotonin are part ofcated impressive research on the relationshipapproved the reward and emotional systems of the brain,between religion/spirituality and physicalprovider.SHINEBRIGHTER. .Wilma Carrier ONLINE NURSE PRACTITIONER DEGREESBSN, MSN, MBA, DNPMSN Primary Care Nursing -Family Nurse PractitionerMSN Primary Care Nursing -Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse PractitionerTEXT765.613.3059 Doctor of Nursing PracticeNEW Post BS/BSN to Doctor of Nursing Practice (FNP)INDWES.EDU/NURSING Some programs require onsite components and/or residencies. 14 ONSITE LOCATIONS . INDIANA .OHIO .KENTUCKY All nursing degree programs require clinical/practicum experiences.www.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 17'