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b'PARTNERSHappy Nurses Week. Its time to celebrate!Coupons and Prize SponsorsE lite Healthcare would like to thank the following partners for supporting Nurses today and everyday. The companies listed on this page have generously contributed fun prizes and coupons that will be awarded to Nurses throughout the month of May! Go to https://info.elitecme.com/nurses-month for a chance to win some great prizes generously donated by our sponsors!Use promo code Nurse1010% off May 1 - July 31st10% OFFwith coupon code: Elite19(excludes sale items, expires 5/12/20)nurseborn.comElite Healthcare Giveaway1 of 4 Koala Slip Stethoscope Holders1 of 30 Snough SticksGrand Prize: One UltraScope Stethoscope and a Nurse Invented Gift SetReceive 20% off10% OFF with code with the KLOGSNURSE10 discount code1237020offer expires May 13, 2019 atwww.allheart.com26 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'