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b'SPIRITUALITY|Spirituality in HealthcareCan a commitment to prayer play a role in healing? By Kate Noonan ISTOCKF aced with severe pain, a frighteninglook outside of self and medical team to gainreligious pilgrimage site where people have diagnosis, or an uncertain medical out- strength for the experience. We are remindedreported miraculous cures. come, there are patients who believe inthat we do not walk alone. We are guided andShe drank from the spring and bathed in its the thought of a possible miracle from partici- loved. We are prone to suffer the distresses ofwaters, believed to be healing. She expressed pation in prayer. this world. The role of spirituality in healthcarethat she was just going to live her life as best as Likewise, in a Chicago suburb a group ofcan be to ease the truth of this harsh reality. she could each dayand not wait to die. Ms. hundreds of believers, from computer or tele- My role as a chaplain is to listen to whatGreen has continued living for 19 years with phone contact, pray together for the names ofa patient believes and what he/she is feeling.incurable stage 4 cancer; her children are now patients on a common prayer list. They indi- Even if the patient has no faith tradition, my20 and 23 years of age. cate miraculous recoveries or peaceful deathsfaith carries over and God blesses that patient,Barger has indicated that patients with can-for patients with end-stage terminal illnesses. if only for a moment, with peace. The rolecer who have a religious or spiritual belief sys-These are the believers in the essence ofof spirituality in healthcare can be to offer atem report better physical health. Those who spirituality in healthcare. patient a means of support to gain peace in thebelieve in something outside themselves, midst of uncertainty. whether it involves an organized religion, faith THE FAITHFUL Author Barger (Cure, 2018), in a similarin a higher power, or a spiritual connection to This writer had an opportunity to interviewdescriptive manner, describes Kim Green, anature, report a stronger ability to cope with a Chaplain Kathy Milone, of Good Shepherdpatient with cancer. When Ms. Greens breastcancer diagnosis.Hospital in Barrington, IL. Chaplain Milonecancer metastasized two years after her origi- Breutzmann (OT Practice, 2014) studied explored her philosophies and viewpoints innal diagnosis, she turned to her religious faith.spirituality as a component of occupational her role with the emotional and physical ill- At only 36 years of age, she felt uncertain iftherapy mental health therapy. She indicated, nesses of patients (March 2019). she would live to see her young children startIf you are helping clients identify their purpose I think spirituality is vital to the wellbeingschool. Ms. Green was comforted by the sup- and what is meaningful and connects them to of each of us, no matter the circumstances,port and prayer from church members. Hertheir purpose in life, then they are going to live said Milone. In healthcare, spirituality offerschurch and neighbors raised funds to send Ms.happier and have less anxiety, less depression, an opportunity to put faith to the test. WeGreen and a friend to Lourdes, France, a majorand an overall higher quality of life.16 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'