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b'EELLEEVVAATTEEELEVATE ELEVATE TTHHEE P PRROOFFEESSSSION EarnPROFESSION Earn THECNEs*ION Earn THE PROFESSION Earn CNCENsE*s*CNEs*GaGina iCn uCtutitntgin-gE-dEgdeg He eHaeltahlt Ihn Ifnofromrmataiotino En dEudcuactaiotino nting- Edge Health Information Education Gain CutGain Cutting-Edge Health Information Education JoJino i4n, 540,500 0he haeltahltchacrea rlee aledaedrse rasn adn pdr porfeosfesisosnioanlsa lastat500 healthcare leaders and professionals at Join 4,Join 4,500 healthcare leaders and professionals at AHIMA19: Health Data and Information Conference to:AHAIHMIAM1A91: 9H: eHaeltahlt Dh aDta taan adn Idn fIonfromramtiaotnio Cn oCnofenrfenrecnec teo :to:AHIMA19: Health Data and Information Conference to: Bu B ildu ilKdn Konwolewdlegdeg aer oauronudn tdh et hbee bste str sattreagteiegsi easn dan sdo lsuotliuotniosns Build Knowledge around the best strategies and solutionsBuild Knowledge around the best strategies and solutions Me Mete ewti twhi tleha ldeaedrse ersm epmopwoewreedre fdo rf ocrh acnhganege Meet with leaders empowered for change Meet with leaders empowered for change FFoster lasting connections with a diverse and passionateoFstoesrt elars ltainstgin cgo nconencnteicotnios nwsi twhi tah d aiv deirvseer saen dan pda pssaisosnioatnea t eFoster lasting connections with a diverse and passionateheahletahlctahrcea rceo mcommumniutnyity healthcare communityhealthcare communityExloprleo rcea rceaerre eorp oppoprtourntiutnieitsi eins tinh et hcea rceaerre ecre ncteenrterxE pExplore career opportunities in the career centerExplore career opportunities in the career center TTarget learning needs through interactive sessions, roundtables, a rT gaergt eleta lrenairnngin nge endees dths rtohuroguhg inht ienrtaecrtaicveti vsee ssseisosnios,n rso, uronduntadbtalebsl,es, Target learning needs through interactive sessions, roundtables, papnealnse, ltso, wtonw hna lhlsa,l lasn, dan sdit esi tveis vitiss ictso vceorvienrgin: g: , town halls, and site visits covering:panelspanels, town halls, and site visits covering: CD CI DI Co Cdoindging Re Rveenvueen uCey CclyecleCoding RevenueCycle CDICDI Coding Revenue Cycle Co Cnotintuinumuu mofoCfa Crea re Inn Ionnvaotviaotnion an dan Mda Mnya nMyo Mreo!re! are Innovation and Many More! Continuum of C Continuum of Care Innovation and Many More!KEKYENYONTOET SEP SEPAEKAEKRESRS KEYNOTE SPEAKERSKEYNOTE SPEAKERSOpOiopid Eioid Epidpeimidec Dmic Disciusscsuion ssion witwhi:th: Opioid Epidemic Discussion with:Opioid Epidemic Discussion with:PatPriacte Arice A. Ha. Hrriasr, MrisD, M, MDA, MA DavDid Oavid O. Ba. Brbaer, MbeD, M, MDH, MAHA Patrice A . Harris, MD, MA David O. Barbe, MD, MHAPatrice A. Harris, MD, MA David O. Barbe, MD, MHA President- elect of AmericanPast President of American PresPidreesnitd-eenletc-et olef Act omf Aermicaen ricanPast PParset Psidreesnit odef Ant omf Aermicaen rican President-elect of AmericanPast President of AmericanMedical Association (AMA) Medical Association (AMA)MedMiceadl iAcsasl oAcsisaoticoinat (ioAnM (AA)MA) MedMiceadl iAcsasl oAcsisaoticoinat (ioAnM (AA)MA)Medical Association (AMA) Medical Association (AMA)446.19446.19 446.19446.19ahaimhiam.oar.go/rcgo/cnofenrfeenrecne | #ce | #AHAIMHIAM1A919 ahima.org/conference | #AHIMA19ahima.org/conference | #AHIMA19*The Am*T e *The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation. hreic Aanm Hereiaclatnh HInefaolrtmh aIntifoonr mMaatnioang eMmaennatg Aemsseoncti aAtsiosno c(iAaHtioIMn A(A) iHs IaMcAc)re isd iatcecdr easd iate pdr oavsi da eprr ofv icdoenrt oinfu cinogn tninuurisningg n eudrsuincagt ieodnu bcya ttihoen Abym tehreic Aanm NeruicrsaensNCurersdeesn Ctiraelidnegn Ctieanlintegr Cs eCnotmerms iCssoiomnm oinss Aiocnc roend Aitcactiroend.itation.* The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation.'