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b'SPIRITUALITY|health in the area of mortality. In the 82 collec- discuss as often as they should. Prior to med- pational therapy practitioners may be uncom-tive studies, religion/spirituality involvementical school, this author studied theology andfortable and feel ill-equipped to address the predicted greater longevity in 68 percent ofserved as a chaplain intern. spirituality of clients (Waite, OT Practice, studies; while only 5 percent of study subjectsZaidi explains that integrating spirituality2014). Occupational therapist Breutzmann showed shorter longevity. This longevity seemsinto clinical practice improves empathy, trust,(2014) has described that therapists may think related to three factors:and understanding behaviors. spirituality is an important aspect, but theypsychological (better coping and mental health);A commentary (Christensen, Cook, &may not know exactly how to approach thissocial (greater social support/interaction);Arnold, AMA Journal of Ethics, 2018) haspart of patient care. behavioral (better diet, increased exercise, goodaddressed physicians who are uncomfortableAOTA has suggested that therapists explore health behaviors, such as decreased alcohol use.) with the aspect of spirituality. Physicians whothe following areas with patients: The AMA (Journal of Ethics, 2018) hasare uncomfortable with patient requests toFaith, belief, and meaning in lifeaddressed religion and spirituality in healthparticipate in prayer would do well to pause,Importance and influence of spirituality care practice. There is recognition of reli- listen respectfully, and reflect back theiron their lifegions influence on patient care, as expressedunderstanding of the requestregardless ofCommunity support available to clientin prayer requests, in clinician-chaplain con- whether they pray. Address spiritual needshow the client versations, and through religious accommoda- George Washington University has takenwants to address these needs.tions for patients and staff. the lead in preparing medical students to meetAdditionally, AOTA adds specific thera-a patients spiritual needs by integrating spiri- pist-client activities, such as helping the client FAITH UNCERTAINTY: UNDERSTANDINGtuality into its curriculum (Sajja, AMA Journalwith prayer, meditation, breathing exercises, OPTIONS FOR PRACTICE of Ethics, 2018). or relaxation techniques. A therapist may also Zaidi (AMA Journal of Ethics, 2018) feelsThe American Occupational Therapyestablish rapport through discussions about that spirituality is an area that clinicians do notAssociation has recognized that some occu- spirituality.Improve patient outcomes with a healthy amount of knowledgeElites Nursing All Access Membership helps you learn more so you can do more, fromproviding better patient care to handling any job challenge.Improve patient outcomes with a healthy amount of knowledgeElites All Access Membership helps you learn more so you can do more, fromproviding better patient care to handling any job challenge.Why All Access Membership?Convenience Instant Certification Relevant CoursesAll Access provides options to fit any lifestyle. Meet all of your state, advanced practice andOur comprehensive library lets you learn today Our online library lets you access nursing specialty CE requirements with one provider.what you can apply in real life work situations.courses anytime, anyplace.upon completion. Get unlimited access to our library of more than 600 hours of Nursing courses at NURSING.ELITECME.COM18 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com Why All Access Membership?Convenience Instant Certification Relevant CoursesAll Access provides options to fit any lifestyle. Meet all of your state, advanced practice andOur comprehensive library lets you learn today Our online library lets you access nursing specialty CE requirements with one provider.what you can apply in real life work situations.courses anytime, anyplace.upon completion. Get unlimited access to our library of more than 600 hours of Nursing courses at NURSING.ELITECME.COM'