b'POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT|10 Techniques to Help You Stay OptimisticTry as hard as you might, its not always easy to stay optimistic.by Advance StaffISTOCKW hen youre working long hour shiftsAlways take some time to process theself, what is the worst that could happen? while trying to cram in family timesituation before considering the positives,Then, figure out how you would handle that and still run errands, keeping aespecially if youre in shock or emotionalnightmare scenario, so you know youre positive frame of mind can be challenging.turmoil. prepared for anything. Remember things For every situation you find yourself in, tryare almost always worse in your mind than to find a silver lining. It may take some search- 2CREATE A POSITIVEthey are in reality.ing, but theres bound to be at least one inENVIRONMENT GO SLOWLY AND SAVOR THE almost every circumstance. Also, look out forIf possible, limit the time you spend4 GOOD THINGS IN LIFEcommon stressors and steer clear of them. Ifwith Debbie Downers and seek out positive theres simply no way to avoid them, unwindindividuals instead. Who you spend timeWhether its walking your dog in after work or a rough day with these stresswith can have a huge impact on your outlook.the morning, a weekly visit to your favorite relieving tips. Also, consider how much TV, internet orcaf or a phone call with a best friend, its If you tend to look at a glass as half emptysocial media content you are exposed to onimportant to take time and appreciated instead of half full, you may want to try thesea daily basis. While its important to keepthese relaxing moments. Carve out some techniques for finding a positive viewpoint inupdated on current events and the latestme time every week and find fun activities even the toughest of times. news, certain websites and shows can affectto do on your day off. Do whatever makes your positivity. If this is the case, you mayyou happy and then allow yourself to slow 1 FIND AND FOCUS ON THEwant to limit how many articles you readdown and truly appreciate that activity or POSITIVE IN ANY NEGATIVEor try to completely ignore the barrage ofexperience. SITUATION accompanying social media comments and This may seem difficult, but it really caninstead check out some cute cat videos or5LEND A HAND TO OTHERSmake all the difference in your perspec- tune into something more uplifting like theHelping others can do wonders tive and the impact it has on your day.Hallmark channel. for not only them but you as well. Sometimes you have to work at it so if youWhether you help someone move, give a have to make it a game until it becomes3DONT ALLOW FEAR TO HOLDfriend a ride to work or just listen to someone a hard-won habit that you wont regret.YOU BACK venting, you are improving someone elses Instead of getting caught up in the nega- Is there a new class youve beenlife. You can even go a step farther, and tives, try to find at least one positive aspectmeaning to take? A new position youvevolunteer at a soup kitchen or raise funds in any situation. If theres an issue at work,wanted to apply for? Then go for it! Allfor a favorite cause. Helping out others adds look at it as an opportunity to demonstratetoo often, we imagine the worst and allowvalue to the world and making a difference your skills or to learn something new.our doubts to hold us back. Just ask your- will also improve your mood.8 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'