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b'SELF-IMPROVEMENT|ISTOCKThe Act of Strategic Self CareSeven tips for becoming your best self By Steve SobelS TRESS: No one is immune from stress.and they will tell you! Stress is something weLike going on a vacation, it takes work to truly Admittedly, there are two kinds oflearn to cope with, not cure. Therefore, havinghave a plan to take care of yourself physically stressEustress is positive stress, let- a strategic and sensible self-care plan is essen- and emotionally. It may involve some changes ting challenges in life motivate us to be ourtial. Nurses traditionally give, give and givein the way you think, but it is necessary for best or do something we never thought weand are not always good at taking care of theirgrowth and overall health.could do.own needs they definitely need to do so.Let me suggest the power of walking! Find Distress is when we go over the line, whenThese suggestions are relevant to all nurses.nurses to walk with you in work settingsit we do not have the resources to cope, leadingStressors such as long shifts, poor teamwork,makes for a fun and supportive atmosphere, to the stress becoming debilitating and affect- and difficult patients eventually catch up withplus a group will hold you accountable! You ing our physical and/or emotional wellbeing.all of us. do notKnow your stress constellationthosePlease share this article and re-read on ahave to set Olympic records in your walk; physical symptoms and emotional symptomsconsistent basis. Also, please identify peoplejust walk casually and wear comfortable cloth-that usually mean we have gone over the line.who I call stress carriers on the job. Constanting. I even met a group of nurses who some-What is your stress constellation? When docomplainers are in this group! TRY as best youhow met at a mall at a certain time to walk you know you need some strategies to counter- can to minimize your time in free-standing,due to the frequency of bad weather during act the stress (short or long term) that you aredraining conversations with them.the winter!encountering? It may be a certain tight muscleFind creative ways to develop beneficial hab-in your back, a headache, or becoming increas- TOFU: its. An occasional 20-30 minute massage can ingly irritable?Time Out For You. Identify things you canwork wonders. Also, the walk will bring in the If you doubt you have a stress constella- do a daily and regular basis that create a minimagic of oxygenation to your body, which we tion, just ask someone you live with or trustrespite from all your demands and job duties.all need this to keep healthy.22 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'