b'HEALTHY FEET7 Ways to Keep Active Feet HealthyTips, Exercises & More By Joe DarrahY our feet are the foundation of an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Many professions like nursing, hospitality, and other service industries require you to be on your feet all day, which can take a toll on your foot health. Despite their distance from your heart, the health of your feet can affect your overall health. Theres a lot you can do to keep your feet healthy and pain-free. From self-care to proper fitting footwear, these seven tips can help you to keep your active feet healthy, so you can keep on enjoying lifes adventures!1. WEAR SHOES WITH PROPER SUPPORT. One-quarter of your bones are found in your feet, along with 60 joints and 200 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Its important to make sure your feet are supported so your body is aligned correctly. Before buying a pair of shoes, make sure they have enough support for your feet. Almost every foot injury begins with improper shoes. ISTOCKThe easiest way to get support for your feet is to use orthotic inserts. Because each insert has a different function, you need to determine which one is right for you. In-store machines like Dr. Scholls Customstretches at work during breaks or downtime. These routines may Fit Kiosk can give you a general idea of how your feet distribute pres- seem simple, but they are integral in relieving stress and improving sure. You can find these kiosks near the pharmacy section at retailersblood flow. Try these easy foot stretches to keep your feet healthy:like Walmart and Target. To get a more specific analysis, you can visitToe raisesThis set relieves pressure on your toes and the front either your local podiatrist or specialty shoe retailers. Both establish- of your feet.ments can examine your gait and foot structure using methods likeSitting heel raisesThis exercise focuses on strengthening your video analysis. Always ensure you choose footwear appropriate for yourAchilles tendons. profession and activity.4. GIVE YOUR FEET SOME TLC.2. WEAR COMPRESSION SOCKS. Resting your feet doesnt just mean taking off your shoes and You dont need a preexisting condition to wear compression socks.changing into house slippers. If youve been on your feet all day, you Because these socks help regulate and improve blood flow in yourneed to do a bit more to help your feet relax. Start by giving your legs, you can avoid problems like blood clots, swelling, or varicosefeet a warm soak. Not only is the warm water relaxing, but it also veins. Theyre plush, moisture-wicking and available in a varietyimprovesblood flow. Better blood flow means your foot muscles of colors and patterns, so, whether you are working or walking,are getting enough nutrients to repair themselves.compression socks can add a lot of comfort and a little pizazz toAfterward, prop your feet above your heart level. Elevating your feet your ensemble.gives your blood vessels a break from the downward pressure of stand-Wear socks every time you wear closed-toe shoes to prevent foot fun- ing up. And, in the case of any pooled blood in your legs or feet, lift-gus. Choose socks made of blended materials. Youll find 100% cottoning your legs will help drain the blood instead of letting it clot. Do this socks lead to blisters, as they dont wick moisture away from your skin.for about 10 to 15 minutes, especially if your legs or feet are swollen. Massage your feet by rolling a frozen water bottle under your arch and 3. DO STRETCHES THROUGHOUT THE DAY.heel for about 20 minutes to soothe your sore muscles and loosen your Start your day by stretching your feet before you get out of bed.arches.Grab each foot and gently pull it toward you for a few seconds. This stretches and warms up the muscles at the soles of your feet5. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. before you take your first step of the day. You can also do someHydrating yourself is the best way to prevent any muscle injury and 24 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'