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b'SELF-CARE|Making Self Care a Nursing Priority Focusing on ones self makes you a better provider of care for patientsby Lisette Shanhai, MSN, RN, AHN-BCISTOCKS elf care has become a buzzword inhow much time do you actually spendthe concept of self care and the caring process recent years, but how many of us havetuning into your own needs? (Dossey & Keegan, 2013).incorporated self care into our dailyTaking a personal inventory is the first stepBy initiating a self-care assessment and routines?in becoming aware of your unique situationdeveloping a plan for greater wellbeing, we are Many nurses are not sure where to begin.in order to create a plan for your increasedbetter equipped in partnering with patients on Self care is a significant component of nurs- physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well- their own self care and healing. In this process, ing practice and provides a sense of empower- being.Many practices and strategies can bethe nurse becomes the instrument of healing ment for our patients as we partner with themincorporated into a self-care plan, such as daily(Dossey & Keegan, 2013). One way to develop a toward their health goals. National Nursesexercise, affirmations, meditation, journaling,self-care practice after the self-care assessment Week is a valuable time to reflect on our prac- music, art, healthy and mindful eating andis to incorporate mindfulness into your day.tices both personally and professionally. guided imagery. The term mindfulness has also become As nurse clinicians, how can we promoteNurse clinician satisfaction translates intopopular over recent years, but do we know patient self care?One of the most effective andincreased veteran satisfaction. Role modelingexactly why? As nurses, we might be especially beneficial ways is to develop our own self-carealso inspires others to implement healthy life- interested in decreasing our levels of stress, practice. style practices, patients and coworkers alike.which may have a negative effect on our overall Some questions to consider might include: Self care in nurses can also decrease the costhealth and wellbeing. Research has now shown What really matters to you about yourof turnover, disability, and substance abusethat stress affects the prefrontal cortex, home work in healthcare? among nurses.Many nursing theories addressof the higher brain and the source of what is Do you have a sense of fulfillment andself care such as the Science of Unitary Humansometimes called executive function involving satisfaction at work? Beings, Caring Science and Integral Nursing,judgment and problem solving. Relaxation has As someone who provides care to others,which individually and collectively supportbeen defined in medical and scientific terms as 6 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'