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b'|HEALTHY FEETfatigue. Water helps transport nutrients tothem hydrated. excellent at increasing your heart rate with-your muscles and remove toxins. If youreMake sure your toenails are trimmed.out placing pressure on your feet. Stationary dehydrated, your muscles lose electrolytesUntrimmed or overgrown toenails pushupright bikes and recumbent exercise bikes and will eventually cramp. Diuretics likeagainst the tip of your shoe, causing discom- are also ideal; you can keep pedaling indoors coffee take water away from the muscles.fort or other painful problems like ingrownwithout stressing your feet. Snack on health-Try infusing fruits like lemon, strawberries,toenails. This can also affect the nails them- ier, fiber-rich alternatives like granola bars and or oranges to give your water some flavor. Ifselves. Too much pressure, and theyll thickenfruit to help you feel full for longer. Try to you think youre dehydrated, drink Vitaminabnormally, a condition called hyperkeratosis.avoid junk food and soda.Water or Gatorade. These beverages haveAlso, skip the nail polish every once in a while electrolytes that help rebalance the watersince dark nail polish can yellow your toenails.FINAL THOUGHTSlevel in your muscles.Over the course of your life, you place sig-7. MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT. nificant wear and tear on your feet, so its 6. MAINTAIN PROPER FOOT HYGIENE. Every time your heel leaves the ground, yourimportant to take care of them. If you expe-Foot cleanliness doesnt just involve keepingtoes carry half your body weight. Being over- rience any discomfort, schedule an appoint-your feet free of odor. It also includes otherweight places more pressure on your feet. Inment with a podiatrist for a comprehensive practices like regular toenail clipping andother words, your foot muscles must workexamination. ncareful callus management. The easiest wayextra hard to keep you moving. Between the to prevent growths like corns and callusesextra weight and normal tissue wear-and- Adela Ellis is a full-time nurse and part-from developing is by regularly moistur- tear, being overweight puts you at a highertime ambassador for Infinity Scrubs. Adela izing your feet. Always apply lotion to therisk of foot-related injuries. attended the University of Arizona and has soles of your feet to keep the skin soft. This If you want to exercise without stressingbeen a travel nurse for the last 6 years. She prevents the skin from breaking and becom- your feet, try performing other aerobic activ- enjoys working with different nurses and ing infected. Gently rub your cuticles andities that dont involve walking or running.patients from all over the country and blogging toenails with olive oil or almond oil to keepWater-related activities like swimming areabout her experiences.Join Us For An Open HouseIndustry leader with70+ LPN to RN Associate Degree Program Generic Bachelor of Science Degree RN Programyears experience providingThursday, May 23, 2019, 1:00 pm(no nursing experience required)quality nursing education. Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 11:30 am Thursday, May 16, 2019, 1:00 pm RN to Bachelor of Science Degree Program Thursday, June 20, 2019, 11:30 amRanked #1 in the NationMonday, June 17, 2019, 11:30 amTo register, please contact Allie Ittoop at 212-616-7282 or Allie.Ittoop@helenefuld.edu24 East 120th St., New York, NYwww.HeleneFuld.edu212-616-7282www.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 25'