b'CAREERS|ISTOCKBurning the Candle atto 1-2 hours of work on weeknights, but that she has gotten up as early as 4:00 a.m. to tie up Both Ends some loose ends. As for work hours, Ostermeyer averages four days per week with an eight-hour shift, although those hours can be slightly longer on For some nurses, working more than one job is athe days she visits the pediatric clinic. Its the labor of love By Rob Senior writing job that comes with less predictabil-ity in hours. While Ostermeyer maintains she works about 5-10 hours per week on her writ-B ack in February, New York Universitysthe most interesting information in the studying, talk to her on a given week and the num-Rory Meyers College of Nursing incan be found elsewhere, such as the discoveryber may not be in that range at all.New York City released a study withthat almost one in seven nurses reports havingThere are weeks that I write less, or even numerous findings about the work habits ofa second paid job. We spoke with a couple suchnot at all depending on how my assignments the latest generations of nursing professionals.nurses to learn about their motivations andare staggered that month, she explained, and Among other things, the study found thatexperiences.there are weeks that Im working more than nurses are workingand that many prefer Krystina Ostermeyer, RN, BSN, CDE works10 hours. 12-hour shifts totalling an average of 39.4primarily on a consultation basis as an inpa- In general, I know all of my assignments a hours of week. About half of the 4,500 nursestient certified diabetes educator, assistingmonth in advance. So if Im getting ready to go surveyed reported that they work overtime,healthcare providers with various aspects ofon vacation, I can work ahead to finish every-either voluntarily or otherwise. Those work- care. Much of her time is spent troubleshoot- thing so I can enjoy some time off.ing mandatory overtime average less than oneing for patients with compliance issues. ManyErsilia Pompilio, RN, MSN, PNP spends her hour of such work per week, while the volun- times, these issues are financially relayed.clinical days as a Pediatric Nurse Provider in teers reports averaged around three hours ofTaking the time to figure out a good planPalm Springs, CA. As the sole provider on her overtime work weekly. can make all the difference, said Ostermeyer.unit, her team consists of a secretary, a billing On the positive side, we observed that newI also spend some time at our pediatric clinic,specialist, and a LVN. But after seeing about nurses appear to be working a similar propor- working with kids with type 1 diabetes. I enjoy25 patients per day, Pompilio gets to work on tion of 12-hour shifts as more experiencedworking with this populationI get to workher side hustle as CEO of Rogue Nurse Media nurses based on other studies, and the major- with insulin pumps, continuous glucose mon- 501(c)(3), where she is host and producer of the ity of nurses were working the shift and sched- itors, and of course kids! Nurses and Hypochondriacs Podcast.ule that they preferred. We also did not findOstermeyers second job is as a medical free- I spend countless hours producing the meaningful increases in overall weekly worklance writer. In this case, her work day canpodcast from researching hot topics in health-hours or overtime hours compared to previ- vary based on the amount of work assignedcare, booking guests, soliciting advertis-ous studies, Dr. Witkoski Stimpfel said. Atfor a particular month by the multiple compa- ers and going over edits with my team, said the same time, our study did not reveal majornies that have contracts with her. Some days, IPompilio. Social media does make the process changes in when or how long new nurses areclock out at 4:30 p.m., and the day is mine, shemuch easier. I also teach storytelling/writing working that could enhance patient safety andrevealed. Other days, I get back to work afterto healthcare professionals and consult with well-being among nurses. dinner, or after my five-year old goes to bed. them one on one.As the doctors comments suggest, perhapsOstermeyer says she typically limits herselfPompilio says the Rogue Nurse Media proj-14 SELF CARE|2019| www.elitecme.com'