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b'|SELF-IMPROVEMENTMany nurses are selflessthey are con- READ SPECIAL, INSPIRING, OR sumed with the health of others. My adviceHUMOROUS BOOKS:MANY things we have is to become what I call healthily selfish. IfI can read Tuesdays with Morrie many times,worried about, few of you dont take care of yourself, no one else will!and it still creates feelings of an appreciation You can also counteract many of the com- for life. Also love the book Dont Sweat thewhich ever happenedmon stress hormones with this type of regularSmall Stuff. Both are great reminders to create exercise.thankfulness and gratitude. I also favor swimming and yoga to put intoBelieve it or not, I send copies of my bookEleanor Roosevelt your new healthily selfish plan on a regularThe Good Times Handbook: Your Guide To basis. Creating peaceful, relaxing sceneries inPositive Living and an Exciting Life to people your mind is what I call mindfulness with aI feel need a lift in nursing. I feel great aboutalso are essentially truly caring about those purpose. Use your visualization skills as bestthis and so do they. Giving something you cre- that love you. you can with a 10-minute visualization exer- ateda knitted scarf, a Toll House chocolateI also welcome your feedback as to what cise you find or develop.chip cookie, a nice card, etc. can make some- works for you with selfcare thoughts/habits. I (*I will send info on my 10-minute visual- ones day and yours as well.will hopefully be able to share those with oth-ization for relaxation CD if you contact meGo to the humor section at your favoriteers in the profession. at lnfo@DrSteveSobel.com. I call it BEACHbookstore, and see the wide range of com- Well, gotta go nowtreating myself to a ESCAPE.) edy books. Tickling your funny bone makesmint chocolate chip ice cream conesome-you feel alive and as I have stated in my pastthing that tastes great and makes me feel good. GO TO A MOVIE:articles, it is a very healthy habit to laughJust one of the little copers that form a great For many of us, movies can truly be a way tooften. In nursing, we see many serious/tragicstrategic plan. get our minds away from our jobs. Even if youmoments, and we need to counteract this. IWith great caring and love, Dr. Steve like work, you still need to let your mind shiftalso like to help school nurses with their self- (And a bonus quote for your mental health: into another area of interest. Choose moviescare strategic plans. Being a former princi- MANY things we have worried about, few of that you can enjoy with humor, great acting, orpal, I know their stress may be differentwhich ever happened -Eleanor Roosevelt) njust a compelling story. There are many mov- than an intensive care nurse or a nurse in a ies I can see over and over again, because theyskilled nursing facility, but they too need toDr. Steve Sobel is a nationally renowned moti-take me into a different and needed mindset.reduce their stresslike all nurses, they needvational speaker, author, humorist, and team-What movies that you may have seen do thisreplenishment. builder. He is a former award-winning school for you? I think I just watched Dances Withprincipal who has created a solid and popular Wolves for about the 50th timegreat loveAPPRECIATE GO-TO PEOPLE: niche in the world of healthcare as a featured story, compelling story of the fate groups ofWhen you feel overwhelmed, find the time toconference speaker for healthcare profession-Indians involved and the story line. I also lovereach out or connect with those colleaguesals, professional groups and corporations. He oldies like Splendor in the Grass with the latewho are comforters and can create a betterhas been profiled by INSIDE EDITION and Natalie Wood and Field of Dreams with Kevinperspective to see things, especially after somehas had his work appear in many newspa-Costner. Of course, The Wizard of Oz is greatthings go very wrong with one of your patients.pers and in the media. He writes articles that medicine anytime! (I know you can sing someHospice nurses come to mind as some whoinspire, humor and creates thoughts where of the songs!) need to utilize go-to people. health care professionals can truly enjoy and And by the way, if you find stress relief bythrive in their careers and lives. His book The singing in the car, then do it with or without aNUTRITION: Good Times Handbook-Your Guide to Positive song playing on your radio or device. Sing offGet together with people who give you emo- Living and an Exciting Life has touched the key, but sing! tionally positive nutrition. Monitor your foodhearts, funny bones and dreams of many. Steve nutrition with items that give you great healthalso is passionate about basketball and is the THE MAGIC OF A HOT BATH AND LITbenefits that counteract the stress responsehead coach of The Springfield SLAMM, a CANDLE: (you can find those or contact me for my list ofhigh-level pro-am summer basketball team. Underrated! This can truly melt away bodilythese nutritional recommendations. And yes,He also teaches courses at the college level and tension and soothe the mind. Take your bathhydration is vital to staying healthy. gives commencement speeches at high schools at a time when no one will interrupt youputI will close with a thought: your body doesand colleges and leadership presentations at a sign on the door if you have to. If you are for- not know the difference between a thoughthealthcare retreats and events. His newest pre-tunate enough to have a whirlpool or saunathat is real or perceived. Keep yourthoughtssentation is titled Life Lessons Learned From available to you, that can work as well. You canpositive as best you cantough to do, butMy Lab(based on Steves life with his choco-access these at a health club as wellmoneyworth the journey. When you truly take carelate lab Lucy(dog)-now nine months of age) well spent. of yourself in this demanding profession, youContact Steve at Info @DrSteveSobel.Comwww.elitecme.com |2019| SELF CARE 23'