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b'Elite Healthcare Partner Solutions can help make your facility Medicare S.M.A.R.T.( S ystemicM edicareA warenessR esources andT raining)ProvideANCC-accreditedcoursesandup-to-date resources to educate your staff on medicare to improvepatient relations and quality of care.Healthcare professionals can earn a total of 30 continuing education contact hours with Medicare Interactive Pro. Developed in partnership with the Medicare Rights Center, these courses help nurses navigate the intricate Medicare System and are comprised of the following education modules:MEDICARE MEDICARE MEDICAREMEDICARE INTERACTIVEINTERACTIVE PRO:INTERACTIVE PRO:INTERACTIVE PRO: PRO: Level I -Level II - MedicareLevel III - AppealsLevel IV - Other Medicare Basics Coverage Rules and PenaltiesInsurance and Assistance ProgramsABOUT ELITE LEARNING ACCREDITED PROVIDER Elite Learning provides continuing education for nurses and highElite is accredited as a provider of nursing quality affordable CE courses for CEU credits to maintain yourcontinuing professional development by professional career and nursing license. Developed by best-in- the American Nurses Credentialing Centers class, experienced nursing professionals, our courses are evidence- Commission on Accreditation.based and focus on the latest in patient care.For more information on this product visit ABOUT MEDICARE RIGHTS CENTER info.elitecme.com/medicare-interactive-proThe Medicare Rights Center is a national, non-profit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy, educational programs and public policy initiatives. Since 1989, Medicare Rights has been helping people with Medicare understand their rights and benefits, navigate the Medicare system, and secure the quality health care they deserve.2020 Medicare SMART ad FP.indd 1 2/10/20 8:47 PM'