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b'LEADERSHIP GUIDE|that allow her to practice more confidently. There is also research that indicates thatIf you have set your sights on a manage-In addition, many Magnet hospitals offerMagnet hospitals hire fewer people of color ment position, ensure that you have met the nursing residency programs and preceptor9% to 16% of non-Magnet facilities. job requirements prior to applying.norientation programs that last 8-10 weeks; this helps to ensure that the new nurse is confi- HOW TO GET A JOB IN A MAGNETRESOURCESdent before starting the job on their own. HOSPITAL Abramson, A. (2017, May 22). What is a Your best bet in obtaining a job in a MagnetMagnet hospital? What you need to know CRITICS OF MAGNET HOSPITALS hospital is to have a BSN degree. If you have anabout this polarizing healthcare desig-Not everyone is on board with Magnet hos- ADN degree, it would be in your best interestnation. Retrieved October 11, 2019, from pitals. According to Dr. Colleen Koob, Deanto enroll in an RN-BSN program when apply- https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/of Online Nursing at Rasmussen College,ing; most Magnet facilities give preference tonursing/blog/what-is-magnet-hospital/Nursing unions have been extremely criti- applicants with a BSN degree, though it mayGerardo, P. (n.d.). Why you should work cal of the way in which an organization goeshelp your cause if you are enrolled in school. for a Magnet hospital. Retrieved October about attaining the Magnet designation.Magnet facilities encourage their staff to11, 2019, from https://nurse.org/articles/The California Nurses Association and thestrive for excellence; if you have won anymagnet-hospitals/Massachusetts Nurses Association state thatawards or worked in any leadership roles, suchHawkins, J., & Shell, A. (2012, March). the program is a promotion tool used by theas sitting on committees, it is best to outlineMagnet hospitals are attracted to healthcare organizations to promote the hos- these explicitly on your resume. the BSN but whats in it for nurses? pital itself. These two organizations state thatIt is also helpful to network with peopleRetrieved October 11, 2019, from https://there is little evidence that nurses at Magnetwho are in management positions at the facil- www.nursingcenter.com/journalar-hospitals are any better off than nursesity you will be applying, such as HR personnelticle?Article_ID=1307122&Journal_elsewhere. and nursing directors and managers. ID=54016&Issue_ID=1306973You want to go places in your careerThe Elite Nursing Passport Membership can take you there Choose from over 1800+ hours of board-approved nursing CE Meet license requirements and expand your knowledge with more than 350courses across 25+ specialty topics Includes more than 155 Pharmacology hours You also get exclusive members-only career and specialty content plus a weekly e-newsletterBecome a Passport Member today. Visit EliteCME.com/Passport32 ELITEHEALTH GUIDE|2019| www.elitecme.com'