b'LEADERSHIP GUIDE|On this Helpline, Medicare Rights CenterFor some time, Medicare has been seen asInsurance, Part D or Medicare Prescription staff and volunteers help; different peopleproviding care for acute medical conditionsDrug Benefit, Medigaps, Medicare with different health care access issues rang-those issues that send you to the doctorAdvantage Plans.)ing from simple to extremely complex. Inwith a condition. But according to Johnson,Level Three: Appeals and Penalties doing so, they gain experience and pertinentthe goal was always to cover preventive(Original Medicare Appeals, Medicare knowledge that comes in handy in creatingcare, reduce hospitalizations, and make theAdvantage Appeals, Part D Appeals, a course devoted to helping people betterinsured population under Medicare health- Medicare Late Enrollment Penalties and understand the Medicare system. ier. Thats what reduces costs across theIRMAA.)The courses reflect all of this rich her- whole system, he said. Level Four: Other Insurance and itage, said Johnson. Our organizationFor managers, its a given that the greaterAssistance Programs (Medicare and puts its ear to the ground, and we listen toknowledge a healthcare worker possesses,Employer Insurance, Medicare and Other consumers. the happier they are, making employeeInsurance, Medicare and Medicaid, Why is all of this important to the aver- retention more attainable. In fact, newMedicare Assistance Programs.)age healthcare worker? The Medicare sys- Medicare inpatient outcome metrics are,As an added benefit, the course comes tem underpins a number of reimbursementsto a great extent, showing a strong correla- with the Medicare Minute, which can help that go into hospitals. Since the Affordabletion to the mix of skills of the healthcarehospitals and other organizations engage Care Act went into place, Medicare hasprofessionals involved in treatment as wellmore deeply with Medicare-age individuals, been rewarding high-quality, high valueas educational background. Knowledge ofreach out into the community with presen-care through reimbursement. Dr. SusanMedicare isnt just a side dish in health caretations on timely Medicare topics, and train Sportsman, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, its a critical part of a balanced diet ofstaff through monthly in-services. Medicare authored a white paper last October cover- knowledge and experience. Minute is a subscription program with ing these topics and others. What happens after discharge? askedmonthly delivery of a script, teaching mate-Its a changing healthcare environment,Johnson. Do they go to a rehab facility? Dorials, and a consumer handout on a timely driven by the Medicare quality standards. Itsthey go home, and if so, do they need caretopic vetted by Medicare Rights legal and important for professionals, especially in aupon returning home? content experts.hospital setting, to understand all the centralMany top healthcare systems are beingThe program aligns with most hospi-aims of reform and how they can each offerrated on the extra points of intervention thattals community engagement strategies better services to the patient, notes Johnson. nurses provide. The old standard was that(e.g., patient acquisition client, or customer Take a nurse whos involved in the tran- only the doctor can provide the true, qualityacquisition outreach to older residents, help-sition of a patient across different settingscare the patient requires. Thats been widelying patients save money and stay healthy.)of care. Its absolutely vital to understanddisprovenits now up to many skilled pro- In a constantly changing and evolv-what Medicare covers, does not cover, theviders to help in providing that care. ing Medicare environment, it pays to have rules and regulations regarding that cover- information at your fingertips directly from age, etc. COURSE SPECIFICS the nonprofit organization whose people Nurses are often the lead point of con- Designed to better assist professionals withare in the trenches every day, dealing with tact for patients families, and it goes beyondhelping patients and clients continue toreal-life Medicare-related problems and mere job duties, such as training on criticalmaster Medicare and navigate the health- questions. For over 30 years, The Medicare procedures to continue care at home. It cancare system, MI Pro provides facts that areRights Center has been helping people with also encompass things like denial of cover- well explained and essential to understand. Medicare understand their rights and ben-age or restrictions from Medicare. Each of the four levels of the course isefits, navigate the Medicare system, and Only 18 percent of the 59.9 millionbroken into sections with the intention ofsecure the quality health care they deserve. Americans covered by Medicare know thatproviding a comprehensive overview ofThis track record has cemented their repu-preventive care services like the Annualeach aspect of the Medicare system, givingtation as the largest and most reliable inde-Wellness Visit can be covered, saidhealthcare professionals a wide breadth ofpendent source of Medicare information Johnson. If the healthcare professional hasknowledge from which to draw in aidingand assistance in the United States.nthat knowledge, its invaluable. They couldpatients:save a life by telling someones daughter toLevel One: Medicare Basics (HealthREFERENCESbring their mother into the practice for anInsurance Terms, Medicare Overview,1. Sportsman, S. Why is Medicare Such hours worth of testingcognitive testing,Medicare Options, Medicare Enrollmenta Big Deal, and Why Should Health fall risk assessment, diabetes/cancer screen- Periods.) Professionals Care? 14 Oct 2019. White ing, and so on. The patient and their caregiv- Level Two: Medicare Options (Part APaper: https://info.elitecme.com/ers can complete a plan for the coming year. or Hospital Insurance, Part B or Medicalwhy-is-medicare-such-a-big-deal6 LEADERSHIP GUIDE|2020| www.elitecme.com'