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b'| LEADERSHIP GUIDEInterviewing InsightsHR professionals and healthcare providers on how to haveproductive conversationsBy Joe DarrahI ts been more than 72 hours since his most recent email to the jobBeing comfortable during an interview is important, but with the candidatea calendar invite proposing an interview time withunderstanding that you are talking to a potential employer, not your the hiring manager. Frantz Michel, a human resources specialistfriend, said Streelman, who also serves as a director with the Academy at The Viscardi Center, a network of nonprofit organizations that pro- of Medical-Surgical Nurses. The worst thing Ive encountered during vides life services for children and adults with disabilities, now findsan interview is when the candidate is too candid with responses to my himself in a quandary. The initial phone screen with the prospectivequestions and the use of unprofessional language. habilitation coordinator went exceptionally well, but with no responseArriving on time is of obvious importance, Streelman said, but to the proposed interview, enough time has passed for Michel to rea- professionals should also be careful to not show up too early for their sonably question the candidates enthusiasm for the position and hisappointment, which would qualify as anything more than 15 minutes status as a truly viable candidate.in advance. Peoples time in the workplace is very structured, and Thats right, although the interview has not yet been set to a calen- being too early will leave just as bad of an impression as being too early dar, this job seekers chances at employment are already compromised.will she continued. Thats because the interview today is much more involved and hasDressing in real business attire is also advised, unless the candidate evolved to include not just face-to-face conversations but phone callsis otherwise indicated not to dress up for the interview. Underdressing and email communication. Or, in this case, a negative impression thatfor an interview will leave a negative impression on the interviewer, can be cast through a lack of communication during the time that theStreelman said. employer and the prospective employee are in contact with each other.Yes, the nature of dress code can vary depending on the interpreta-Today, phone and email communication counts as part of the inter- tion of each interviewer, but Jennifer Neft, vice president of adminis-view process, said Michel. And if it seems like people are not fullytration at Viscardi, is still quick to suggest that candidates should err engaged in responding to my emails or phone calls about the position,on the side of overdressing if theres an uncertainty of what to wear. that can be a turnoff for me.The interview environment in general has become a little more casual Its but one example of the delicate nature that is todays profes- today, but you do have to know your environment to a degree and Ill sional interviewing procedure. From ones attire and ability to answeralways expect people to at least wear a buttoned-down shirt and dis-job-related questions to behavior and punctuality across a spectrumplay neatness, she said. I wouldnt expect someone who applied for an of communication, there is no shortage of critical moments for todaysentry-level position to wear a suit, but we have seen people who look job candidates. While some of the evaluation will be subjective basedlike they just rolled out of bed, or theyre wearing a tank top, or cutoff on the individuality of each interviewer, HR professionals have a fewjeans, or horrifically low-cut dresses, or flip-flops. consistently established dos and donts.If your parents or your spouse would have an issue with what you are wearing, dont wear it to an interview. BRINGING THE BASICS An overall display of preparation is also a common expecta-Speaking in a professional manner, arriving on time, dressing appro- tion, even if in some sense the definition and appearance of prepa-priately, and generally appearing prepared and comfortable while dis- ration can vary among HR professionals and hiring managers. playing confidence are the hallmarks to successful interviews, sayGenerally, being prepared means having a foundational knowl-Michel and other HR professionals.edge of the job description and the company, as well as intelligent With 20 years experience on managements side of job interviewingquestions for the interviewer(s) about the job and the company. conversations, Marisa Streelman, DNP, RN, CMSRN, a staffing spe- Managers are involved with interviewing candidates frequently, and cialist at University of Michigan Medicine, knows that the more wel- so they can distinguish between the candidates who have researched coming an environment she establishes for candidates, the better thethe organization and the patient population, said Streelman. candidates chances of proving themselves. However, she cringes anyConducting research does not necessarily mean that candidates time an interviewee assumes they can be so comfortable as to arriveshould be able to recite the companys history or regurgitate the web-for an interview late and/or speak to the interviewer as casually as theysite verbatim, but being able to discuss how the company has evolved ISTOCKwould a friend in a social setting.and how the job could fit into the organizations objectives is key. www.elitecme.com |2020| LEADERSHIP GUIDE 33'