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b'| LEADERSHIP GUIDETABLE 2Additional abbreviations, acronyms and symbols(For possible future inclusion in the official Do Not Use list)Do not use Potential problem Use instead (greater than). Misinterpreted as the number 7 (seven)Write greater than. Write less than. (less than). or the letter L; confused for one another.Abbreviations for drugMisinterpreted due to similar abbreviationsWrite drug names in full.names. for multiple drugs.Apothecary units. Unfamiliar to many practitioners; confusedUse metric units.with metric units.@. Mistaken for the number 2 (two). Write at.cc. Mistaken for U (units) when poorly written. Write ml or milliliters.g. Mistaken for mg (milligrams) resulting inWrite mcg or micrograms.one thousand-fold overdose.Source: Joint Commission. (2009). Additional abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols for possible future inclusion in the OfficialDoNotUseList. Retrieved from https://www.jointcommission.org/assets/1/18/dnu list.pdf.The ISMP (2017) strongly recommends that healthcare organizations do not stop at the minimum Joint Commission Do Not Use List. The insti-tute has developed an extensive list of error-prone abbreviations, symbols, and dose designations that can be accessed at https://www.ismp.org/recomm endations/error-prone-abbreviations-list.tiveness of the medication and doc- the same time and day every week. acceptability of proposed proprietary ument effectiveness (or lack of6. Set an alarm or purchase timer capsnames to minimize medication errors effectiveness) as appropriate. If thefor pill bottles that go off when medi- linked to product name confusion.medication was not effective, be sure tocations are due. Container labels to help healthcare pro-document what you did about it. 7.When traveling, bring enough of yourviders and consumers select the correct Nursing consideration: When provid- medications to last for the trip plusstrength if the drug is made in multi-ing patient/family education regarding safea few days extra supply in case yourple strengths. The labels of these con-medication regimens, nurses should pro- return home is delayed. tainers should be distinctive enough to vide suggestions for adhering to medication8. If flying, keep medications in youreasily differentiate among the different schedules. The FDA (2016) offers the follow- carry-on bag to avoid losing them.strengths.ing eight tips for helping patients to take theirTemperatures in the cargo area wherePrescribing and patient information medications as prescribed or instructed. luggage is stored vary and could dam- offering instructions for the prescrib-1. Take medications at the same time eachage you medicine. Never put medica- ing, preparing, use, and administra-day (e.g. with breakfast and dinner). tion in your checked luggage. tion to ensure they are clear and easy 2. Incorporate taking medications withto read. Patient information should be a daily routine such as brushing yourREDUCING MEDICATION ERRORS AT THEwritten for the consumer in a way that teeth. POINT OF MANUFACTURE avoids excessive, often misunderstood, 3. Keep a calendar with your medicationsThe FDA has made a number of recommen- medical jargon.and note what medication(s) have beendations to reduce medication errors. ForThe FDA monitors and evaluates medi-taken, on what day, and at what time. example, the FDA reviews (FDA, 2018b): cation reports. Based on this evaluation, the 4. Use a pill container to help keep trackProposed proprietary names (brandFDA may require that a manufacturer revise of your medication schedules. names) to minimize confusion amonglabels, packaging, product design, or brand 5. When using a pill container, refill it atdrug names. The FDA determines thename to prevent errors (FDA, 2018b).www.elitecme.com |2020| LEADERSHIP GUIDE 19'