b'CAREERS GUIDE|anxiety disorder by learning the behaviors ofAvoiding social situations or trying tological symptoms that may occur when you family members. blend in the background encounter uncomfortable social situations. If Needing alcohol to face a socialyou are a nurse and have physical and mental PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF SOCIAL ANXIETYsituation symptoms of social anxiety, its best to seek INCLUDE: Missing school and or work because ofhelp from a licensed therapist in order to keep Increased sweating, blushing, trem- issues with anxiety up with your personal and professional life.bling and or rapid heart rateNausea and or stomach upset WHAT TYPES OF TREATMENTS EXIST FORREFERENCESBody posture turns rigid, lessened eyeSOCIAL ANXIETY? https://www.scitcentral.com/arti-contact Commonly psychotherapy (talk therapy)cle/18/1242/Social-Anxiety-and-Self-Feeling self-conscious and or awkwardand or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)Esteem-among-Nursing-Students:-A-in front of people with a licensed psychologist has beenDescriptive-Correlational-Study#tabs2Afraid of being judged by others shown to be useful in treating social anxi- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/Avoidance of places where there mayety. Support groups can also be beneficial.articles/PMC7348913/be people Medications such as anti-anxiety medica- https://www.healthline.com/health/tions, antidepressants, and beta blockers cananxiety/social-phobia#causesPSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF SOCIALalso help relieve symptoms.https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/pub-ANXIETY INCLUDE: Social anxiety should not steer you awaylications/social-anxiety-disorder-more-Worrying excessively about socialfrom entering into the nursing profession.than-just-shyness/index.shtmlsituations Knowing your social triggers for anxiety andhttps://www.thelancet.com/Worrying for days and or weeks aboutseeking help from a licensed therapist canjournals/eclinm/article/an event help you manage your physical and psycho- PIIS2589-5370(20)30168-1/fulltext20 CAREERS GUIDE |2021| www.elitecme.com'